The Pin List
Yesterday was a crazy busy day around the Studio. We photographed a client’s eclectic glam home all day and by the time I got home and unpacked, I was out of energy (check the blog tomorrow for a few sneak peeks). I sat down with my skinny cow ice cream sandwich and began to catch up on my favorite blog reads. LOWER OAK LAWN is one of my favorite local blogs and it’s fun to see what the movers and shakers around Dallas. So, imagine my happiness when I found my name on the 16-must follow Pinterest users! I am honored to be included in a list that includes many friends and fabulous bloggers. Head on over and check the list out. But I must warn you, once you get started pinning it’s hard to stop!
Glad to hear is on your daily blogroll! You were an easy add to the list! Keep up the good pinning 🙂