A walk in the woods
As designers we are always looking around us for inspiration and I believe there is no better place for inspiration than Mother Nature. Her colors range from natural and muted to bold and bright yet everything works together in perfect harmony. These days it’s easy to find fabrics, wallpaper, furniture and accessories that are inspired by Mother Nature.
My absolute favorite Mother Nature inspired product of the moment is Cole & Son’ s Woods Wallpaper. I love it so much that I added it to our main dining room!
House to Home Love the bed? Find one like it here!
Image: The City Sage
Vanessa Carlton’s Home
Image: LA Times Blog
Image: Oprah.com
Where’s the bed in the first picture from?
I’m not sure exactly where this one came from but here are a few options!
When I saw this point, I had to comment. First, love, love the paper. Secondly, it brought to mind a fabulous painting by Austin artist Jill Carver, Celebration 42×48 curretnly on view at Wally Workman Gallery. Jill’s work currently sits at the point where impressionism, tradition and abstraction meet.http://www.wallyworkmangallery.com/group_show.lasso?itemid=570