House Beautiful {Most Colorful Spot}
When House Beautiful asked me to share “the most colorful spot” in my home, I jumped at the chance! I am not afraid of color, it is something that has always been of my favorite pieces of design development. Mixing textures, colors and scale is what makes design fun for me. Our sitting room was a huge eyesore when we purchased our home and it has taken about 4 years for me to finally create a space that I love seeing everyday when I walk into our front door. The previous owner of our home was a bachelor and had a pool table in the room. It took me over a year to convince my husband that the space had no chance of becoming a “game room/ bar”. Seriously, he thought I would eventually give in. Now, the room is one of my favorites in our home and I am beyond excited to see featured!! Head on over to to see more details on the room, and of course I have to show off a few more shots of the space here too!!!