Designer Picks {Dwell With Dignity}
This month, we are sharing another one of our Designer Picks from Shop Ten 25 and the timing is perfect because it is a big month for them! Dwell With Dignity is a Dallas-based non-profit dedicated to helping families escape poverty and homelessness through design, one household at a time. And we are so thrilled to have them featured in our Shop.
Not only are we sharing their Designer Picks for The Shop today, but we are excited that their Fall 2014 Thrift Studio is up and running here in Dallas!!
Thrift Studio is a not-like-any-other-thrift-store THRIFT STORE. Kicking off with our preview party on October 9th, Thrift Studio is a bi-annual 30 day pop-up shop created to provide financial viability and fundraising for Dwell with Dignity through selling donated furniture, housewares, accessories and high end designer finds to the public. All proceeds benefit the future work, growth, organization and structure of Dwell with Dignity.
Each Thrift Studio has a cast of fabulous designers who design and install vignettes using items from our warehouse as well as items they have donated from their own inventory or through their industry connections. All items are for sale to allow Dwell with Dignity to help families escape poverty & homelessness. If you are in Dallas, you can grab tickets HERE.
You can shop Dwell With Dignity’s Designer Picks HERE and check out their Q&A in our Fall lookbook too!