Changing Art
Have I mentioned how much I love my job? There is nothing better than seeing that big smile on a client’s face as things begin to come together in their home. But, my own home is really becoming a drain. I am fortunate to have a husband that doesn’t mind me making changes every now and then…but it’s about to get crazy around here in 2013. I have plans…big plans for this place.
Things are being ordered, custom designed and the waiting game begins. So, while I patiently wait for a few things to show up I have pulled the trigger on a few instant change. Just last weekend I added a new piece of art over our sitting room sofa. I have been working with Dallas artist Megan Adams to create a pillow offering and collection of art prints for Shop Ten 25…so stay tuned for that soon! While we were selecting pieces, I spotted this gorgeous teal and fuchsia piece and loaded it up to see how it looked over the sofa.
BEFORE: Warmer tones and a soft texture graced the top of our sofa.
Image Via: Melanie Johnson Photography for Studio Ten 25
NOW: A lighter color palette with tons of texture. And Miss Ivy approves, I think that seals the deal. I love the change and how bright and cheery the room feels. I think it will be a great addition to the room and will look fabulous with all of the changes that will begin in a few months!