Ready…Aim…Design / Dwell with Dignity.
Do you have a great before and after furniture project that you would love to share? Dwell with Dignity has teamed up with a handful of fabulous designer / blogger judges to pick the best! We all love a great before and after. That frumpy chair that was given a second change or that damaged coffee table that just needed a little facelift. They all tell a great story and your story could get you hooked up with lots of fun prizes! THE DETAILS: Visit and enter your furniture piece in the contest. Submit one before and one after picture! That’s it, now sit back and cross your fingers that you win one of the awesome prizes! We are so excited to be part of the price package!! SHOPTEN25.COM’S Blythe’s Decanter Set is part of the 3rd place prize package!! Love these stunning pieces!! THE JUDGES: Johnathan Adler Design Sponge / Grace Bonney style/ Swoon / Sam Sano House Gardens People/Rebecca Sherman All The Best Blog /Ronda Carman RUE Magazine / Plush Palate Blog / Crystal Gentilello DWELL WITH DIGNITY IS LOOKING FOR NEW MEMBERS TO SUPPORT THEIR AMAZING CAUSE! PLEASE TAKE A LOOK AT THEIR MEMBERSHIP OPTIONS AND HELP THEM GIVE FAMILIES A FRESH START!
Amy Lambert Lee says
Made the top 10!!! Please give #5 a look!
studioten25 says
Congrats!!! That’s awesome! Will go vote now!
Amy Lambert Lee says
Thank you much!!!